Hailing from Louisville, Kentucky, Jaime Lazich (aka DJ Jamples) brings an unhinged energy to their characters, plays a hilarious voice of reason and also lends their talents to teaching classes. After only 5 years of improv, Jaime’s blend of cerebral humor and physical comedy led them to share the main stage with other performers in The Reader. Learn a bit more about what drew Jaime to improv, what they do for fun and their biggest inspirations.
When no one believes how large the fish you caught was.
What drew you to improv?
I wanted to do something out of my comfort zone, and felt like I could relate to people who already improv. I was like, “Yeah, that’s the way my brain works.”
Who are your improviser heroes or who inspires you?
Wild Horses (Erin Whitehead, Lauren Lapkus, Mary Holland, Stephanie Allyne), Graham Downing, Mandy Price, and much of the Bandit ensemble.
Aside from “yes, and”, what’s your next number 1 rule of improv?
Care about the scene! Care about your scene partners and what’s happening in the scene. If you don’t care, the audience definitely won’t. This is scary because it usually involves expressing emotion, which feels vulnerable. Vulnerability scary!
What do you do for fun, aside from improv?
Karaoke! Singing is fun, singing with other people is funner, and singing with your friends is funnest. Similar to improv, I find singing to be very cathartic.
If improv is therapy, why do so many improvisers also have therapists?
I disagree with the basis of this question; I would say that improv is therapeutic, but not therapy. That being said, I think it’s a great supplement to therapy - if you do improv you will find plenty to talk about in therapy. But I don’t think that it can take the place of having a good therapist.
Do you have any special rituals or warmups you do to prepare to go on stage?
I like to listen to a rap song that I know all the words to and rap along to it pre-show. I also find it helpful to preserve my energy and not get *too* hype before a show.
What’s your name and what’s your problem?
My name is Jaime and my problem is I CARE TOO MUCH.
Do you ever experience “Flow State” during improv?
Yes, all apprehension about decisions falls away. You are no longer thinking, you are just doing. Everything falls together seamlessly. It doesn’t happen all the time, but when it does it’s really wonderful.