Junior Bandits grades K-3 class is designed to warmly welcome students into the wonderful world of longform improv! Improv helps students practice listening skills, build confidence, and work with their imagination. Besides that, it's a LOT of fun!

 In this class, students will:

  • Learn the fundamentals of longform improv

  • Experience an environment in which fun is just as important as learning

  • Practice listening to their improv teammates

  • Work together as a team 

Junior Bandits (ages K-3) meets Wednesdays from 3-5:30pm at the Sunset Hill Community Hall (3003 NW 66th St, Seattle, WA 98117) from October 16–December 11.*

This event will be drop off, parents are not required to stay. 

*No class November 27th for Thanksgiving Holiday.

Only 12 spots available, so sign up soon! 


Junior Bandits grades 4-6 class is designed to warmly welcome students into the wonderful world of longform improv! Improv helps students practice listening skills, build confidence, and work with their imagination. Besides that, it's a LOT of fun!

 In this class, students will:

  • Learn the fundamentals of longform improv

  • Experience an environment in which fun is just as important as learning

  • Practice listening to their improv teammates

  • Work together as a team 

Junior Bandits (Age 4-6) meets Thursdays from 3-5:30pm at Sunset Hill Community Hall (3003 NW 66th St, Seattle, WA 98117) from October 17– December 12.*

This event will be drop off, parents are not required to stay. 

*No class November 28th for the holiday. 

Only 12 spots available, so sign up soon! 


Laura Kirol

(She/Her) Laura teaches high school Social Studies and considers improv classes for elementary and middle schoolers to be a fun break from talking about some of the heavier events covered in World and US History. Laura has taught theater and improv for a couple of years, which she considers to be a great honor. She’s always in awe of her students, who tend to be comedic geniuses. Laura goes by a number of names: Ms. Laura, Ms. Kirol, hey theater lady, or whatever else you can think of. Since Laura joined Bandit Theater, her life has gotten considerably brighter, and she looks forward to sharing the joy of improv with your students! 

Looking for more?

If you’re looking for information on Bandit Theater’s kids programming that isn’t listed here, please reach out to banditkids@bandittheater.org for more.